Friday, November 2, 2012

Back to the Basics

I recently took two classes that I just kinda jumped into. They weren't my regular classes with the usual girls I dance with. This particular class had a "lower level" curriculum set up than I am used to. I jumped into this class because I was bored and did not feel like going home after my regular classes were over. So I asked my teacher Mr. Joe if I could possibly join the class and stay to myself in the back so I wouldn't disrupt the class.  As I was standing back there the class seemed to be very basic. First we only worked on a few jumps in place. Then it went to turning, but it was like I was being taught how to turn all over again. They were only doing single turns and I actually enjoyed  it. I know I can do much more than one turn, but I liked getting back to the basics. Its nice to go easy on yourself once and awhile so you can do that easy trick 180%. It also shows you care and are humble, no one should turn down an opportunity to get back to the beginner stuff because you think your "too good". No one is the best and there is always always always room for improvement.

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Like a Dance

Relationships: They're like a dance.
Two people going back and forth, pulling and straining against each other. However they feed off of one another. Kicking and jumping the entire time, but then there are moments where it's absolutely beautiful when they're turning in each others arms. It seems as if no one is even watching them dance together in this moment. The ups and downs throughout the sequence represents a relationship perfectly. All the fast movements and hard tricks are nothing compared to that turning moment that usually happens at some point in the dance. However all dances end differently, its either a tragic ending or they prance off stage happily. Sometimes I wish I could choreograph my dances before I jumped in without knowing the steps.

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Thursday Night Lights

Every Thursday night I take ballet and jazz with about 20 other girls. This makes for small spaces and a lot of competition to compare myself with. We do a lot of combinations and we do them over and over again. Last week we did solo's.
Solo's are every dancers wish. To have all eyes completely on you and no one else. It means showing off all the skill and natural talent that has been acquired over years of practice.  Solo's are earned and not given. It is the award for a job well done. This year I plan on finally getting mine.
There is also a downfall to solo's. Since everyone is watching you there is more pressure to get it right. One mistake and everyone notices. Unless it is a little one and you can catch yourself to make it seem like it's right. During the dance confidence must be present, or it shows on your face and the movements aren't as strong. However there is no reason why confidence shouldn't be present, the dance was rehearsed over a hundred times and should be imprinted in the mind. An important tip before you go on is to mark the dance a few times behind stage, but not too much or you could worry yourself. Then take some time to build confidence and only think about how good your going to do, and how awesome it is that the opportunity to show off is an option for you. So when its time to go on, smile and make the stage yours!

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Monday, October 22, 2012


Technique is important to dancers. No it is not the only thing that makes us look good but it does help. To get good technique requires practice. A dancer can do this by stretches designed for different aspects of dance. Leaps, turns, and kicks are all part of technique and require flexibility and strength.
When I go to dance class we are warming up and stretching for at least thirty minutes. Even though it is just warming up we are still expected to perform the warm up as if we were dancing it.
"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Craving It

I missed dance on Thursday. I just had a major craving to go to the studio. So I decided to tell you about it.
In my world I do not believe in therapy. This is why dance plays a major role in my life because it is my therapy. The way the music moves me and how my emotions just leave my body with the movements is a wonderful experience. It is everything to me that a punching bag is to some when angry. Me and my one teacher actually had such a good relationship I used to call her and ask to open up the studio so I could dance. She always had so much fun with me on these days because I kept going and seemed like I had all the energy in the world. My performance was on point too.Why I am having this craving is because I missed my time to get my emotions out for the week, but no worries, I have class on Tuesday. I am very exited to go and leave it all on the floor until next time.

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Friday, September 21, 2012

Performace Class

I had another performance class Tuesday with one of my favorite teachers Mr. Joe. During this class we started off with laying on the floor with the lights off. You are probably wondering why? Well Mr. Joe had the idea to lay on the floor and close our eyes to just listen to the music. We did this to understand the mood of the song so we could perform it looking like we were in that moment that the singer was in also. Dancers are ment to make the audience feel an emotion by the time they walk off stage. I read an article on movement and I would like to share it with you.

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hopi Dancers

I put up a video I found off of YouTube of the Hopi Indians doing a butterfly dance. This is one of their most sacred dances. To the "normal people" it might look like the same thing over and over again. In actuality it is an honor to be able to perform this dance when you are a member of the Hopi tribe. The Hopi's feel what they are dancing in every single dance and movement they perform. It is a gift they have to let their emotions speak words through movements of their bodies. This is the gift that most dancers strive to have, and these Native Americans seem to be born with it. 

Hopi Butterfly Dance

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" Hopi Indian saying